Mabel's Story

Meet Mabel, whose story represents someone facing challenges such as grief, isolation and independence. Mabel is around 58 years old and recently lost her husband. She lives alone in a semi-detached house from the 1920s, which hasn’t been well maintained. Although Mabel’s mortgage is paid off, her income is limited to her late husband’s small pension, and she doesn’t have much in savings. Mabel feels isolated, struggles with mobility issues, and finds it hard to keep her home warm and manage her utility bills.

How Derbyshire Low Level Support Can Help

Initial Contact

Mabel’s journey begins with a referral to the Triage team, which assesses her needs based on designated pathways. With Mabel’s consent, her details are securely stored for future reference.

Triage and Assessment

A trained Triage Assessor talks to Mabel over the phone to understand her needs, discussing the support available through Derbyshire Low Level Support. They agree on the next steps and schedule a full assessment at Mabel’s home.
During the assessment, a Support Worker asks Mabel about her abilities, existing support, and what she needs to stay independent and safe at home. The aim is to develop a trusting relationship while encouraging empowerment.

Support Plan Development

Based on the assessment, a support plan is developed tailored to Mabel’s needs. Here are some examples of the support she might receive:
  • Mabel may be referred to bereavement groups for support with grief.
  • Options like befriending services or joining local social groups are explored to help Mabel combat isolation.
  • Solutions such as grab rails installation or referrals to therapy teams for mobility aids are considered to improve Mabel’s daily life.
  • Assistance is provided to explore whether her home is still suitable and to access improvement grants.
  •  Mabel is connected to a CAMM (Citizens Advice Mid Mercia) Caseworker for benefits checks, budgeting advice, and assistance in accessing government grants or energy tariffs.
Through these steps, Derbyshire Low Level Support aims to make a positive impact on Mabel’s life, providing tailored assistance to help her overcome challenges and improve her well-being.
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